Saturday, November 3, 2007

The comeback begins tomorrow

i have made a small reload to mt ft account and plan on starting my comeback tomorrow.

I will make an attempt at live blogging.

Ever since my huge run in June/July I have been unable to maintain my composure in most of the areas of my life.

Whether it be communication with my wife or at the poker table I have been walking a certain edge. unable to fully focus and make educated decisions.

All my reads have been anemic. I push for coin flips and decide to put my tourney life at risk when behind.

It is time to rededicate myself to composure and winning.

I need it.
My family neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesds it.

i am playing the 750k along with other Sunday fun.

Here we go!

1 comment:

Steven said...


We know you can do it. )